
SAP BI Planning Sequence

Let's learn a bit about the result of button Start Modeller in transaction RSPLAN. Any of you wonder what is that thing - when an explorer burst out contains 5 tabs titled Modeller at the top of the window? Well I am. Why would we have to do it web based anyway. I'll let that to be a mystery for now.

Simply said, this window allow us to perform some 'query command' to an InfoProvider. Like we all IT freaks acknowledge, the famous "SELECT attribute_fields, SUM value_fields GROUP BY attribute_fields FROM table WHERE condition"

Those 5 tabs represent each piece of the famous statement above. InfoProvider represents the table. Aggregation level represents the SELECT and GROUP BY attribute_fields at the same time. Filter represents the WHERE condition. Planning function represents the type of command we need to do, whether it is delete or update. Other than that, a lot of actions already prepared by SAP. Moreover, we can add new type of actions when all that prepared don't fullfil our need. Planning sequence is like a wrapper that consist sequence of the planning functions needed to play together for a certain goal.

Up until here, I hope that helps to mend your confuse mind. And not get more confuse. Next...

This is some diagram to show the relationship between each tab.

So to get us started, first we need to define an aggregation level.
Following it, a filter and a planning function based on the aggregation level. Finally, put the planning function into a planning sequence.

Now the fun part, testing. First make sure the InfoProvider is in the Plan Mode. Go to RSA1 right click the InfoProvider. Change Real-Time Load Behaviour and tick Real-Time Data Target Can be Planned. After we do this, we need to close the browser and re-open it. In the extreme condition where SAP seems to be ignorant little thing, I even have to close the browser, close the GUI and re-login.

A planning sequence can be executed directly. You can see execute button on top of Planning Sequence tab. Don't be scared to click it because it won't change the actual data. Not until you click "Save Plan Data" and set the InfoProvider into Load Mode. The newly updated data will appear as a new request in Manage section of the InfoProvider.

The useful part, planning sequence can be called through Process Chain. You can find it under Process Type - Other BW Process - Execute Planning Sequence.

Phew, I'm done.

Written while listening: 죽어도 못 보내 - 2AM


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