
God is generous, so I am still persistently walking

Passing week 9, semester 2 in the University of Melbourne. Sitting on campus bench since 8.30 in the morning. Typing and typing, because assignments are due. Missing my little one, which I left this morning with scrambled carrot egg and rice for her brekkie. Life is so demanding, I can hardly coupe. But God is generous, so I am still persistently walking.

Wondering how I am gonna get through the last semester. Will I ever miss Melbourne? Will I regret anything that I haven't done here? Will I live a better life back home? Life is so demanding, I can hardly coupe. But God is generous, so I am still persistently walking.


Sampai ketemu lagi di Indonesia!

The Day is coming near. The heart is racing. The anticipation is high. And the preparation still running like crazy. I have to drop many things that lately considered as unnecessary as the time is limited and the list keeps add up.

Dadah Mbah, Mpok, Tante. Dini pergi dulu nemenin Ibu kuliah. Dadah taman komplek, BP, Giant, kuda, odong-odong, ikan. Insya Allah Dini pulang 1.5 tahun lagi. Dadah Anan, Khansa, Khaisa (or whoever her real name is), Mas Fauzan. Main lagi sama Dini kalo sudah pulang ya.

Dan saya mewek.

Ahh, pengorbanan anak dimulai sejak kecil. Harus rela diangkut kemanapun ortunya nyangkut. Semoga pilihan saya tidak salah. Semoga Allah ridhoi semua. Semoga lancar semua. Semoga ridho semua. Semoga berkah. Semoga sehat semua di tanah air dan kami di negeri orang.

Sampai ketemu lagi di Indonesia!


A Lady with Lethal Combination

I am slow and lazy. Wow, I think, lethal combination for a wife and a mom who, after 12 years, is going back to the academic world. Readings, assignments, cooking, self care, child care, spouse care, household chores. Oh. My. God.

I honestly admire God's destiny that brought me here, in a top company. The journey that get me to this company sure is not easy too. Good grades, good brain, good self management too. Should be, right?

That's not the case. I am bad at self management. Very much. I delay as soon as possible and as much as I can. I even reason the delay as logical as I can. For that matter, I never learn something that I love seeing and curious about, like interior design, fashion, make up, online business, and the list keep going. Because I don't have time and always say, "Sometimes I will learn this".

All in all, I must say that my mom's prayers are the key thing that brought God's mercy to our family. God give me the chance to work in this company so that my mom's every night prayers are answered.

Pokoknya kebiasaan kaya gini harus berhenti. Nggak hilang, cuma di mute aja selama 2 tahun. Saya dan keluarga mesti survive di negara maju, di universitas top, tanpa support system, semua mesti dikerjain sendiri. Saya juga memikul nama kantor, secara segala kebutuhan pendidikan, akomodasi, kesehatan, makan, transport, you name it, dibiayain sama kantor. Malu sama allowance.

Target saya jadi manusia lebih baik. Belajar dan lulus di kampus. Dapat kerja sampingan yang menarik. Memberikan Dini akses pendidikan yang bermutu. Jadi pasangan yang baik buat Mas yang sudah rela berkorban. Bismillah ya Allah, mudahkanlah.


Persiapan ke Melbourne

Pusing. Habis sakit, kepala masih berat. Dokumen dan persiapan ke Melbourne masih berantakan. But the show must go on. Harus diurus sedikit demi sedikit. Mulai dari visa, buat rekening, cari kontrakan, segala macam. Pikiran akan ninggalin Dini dua minggu menggelayut ga mau pergi. Rasanya, bersalahh. Tapi itu yang terbaik selama Ibu cari kontrakan di Melbourne. Secepatnya kita akan bersama lagi sayang.

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