
Awwww.. It happened!

Gw delete formula di Key Figure!! NOOOO... Untung ada contekan dari PBD. Langsung balikin lagi. Gila. Kalo gw ngerti bikinnya mah santai, ini.. ga mudeng .. T__T Ya Allah.. selamatkan tanganku dari perbuatan aneh.. amiin. Hihi.


New Experience, Worried but Excited

Kredit rumah bikin saya semakin mendekat sama Allah, bener-bener pasrah, berserah diri, tawakkal. Berapapun jumlahnya, semoga Allah kasih keluasan rejeki. Semoga selalu sehat lahir dan batin. Amiiin.


Unicode Program in Unicode Environment

This person said it deeply :D
"Unchecking the unicode is a bad idea. Unchecking the unicode on a unicode system is a worst idea."
The code that I tried to copy wrote:
VARYING wa_0008 FROM p0008-lga01 NEXT p0008-lga02.
Because of the unicode check, the error came: "P0008-LGA01" and "WA_0008" are type-incompatible.
Then the solution:
VARYING wa_0008-lga FROM p0008-lga01 NEXT p0008-lga02
VARYING wa_0008-bet FROM p0008-bet01 NEXT p0008-bet02.



A Present for Tomorrow

Doing some kind of a present for tomorrow. Although it might not be come. Feels great and full of spirit. Facing it.


Di Balikpapan

Di Balikpapan sampe besok. Makanan di Blue Sky Hotel kena banget sama lidah saya. Morning coffee-nya enak. Racikan saus 1000 Island-nya juga enak. Kamarnya lega, lay-outnya bagus, ada KBS World ^__^, deket sama kantor, ada antar-jemput bandara. Alhamdulillaah, orang-orang di kantor sini kooperatif. Nice.

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