
Tips Internal Table

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STT ku jaman sekarang

Keren euy, dah ada Wi Fi. Bisa konek ke internet dari kost-an. Kreatifitas menjamur tanpa batas. Forum students rame kaya pasar. Pada ngobrol di forum sampe malem2. Mungkin tugas lab, PR, soal2 bayangan ujian semester jadi gampang dipertukarkan. Singkatnya, informasi milik semua.
Yang cewek mungkin sekarang lebih bisa mengaktualisasi diri tanpa dibatasi jam keluar malem, secara ga perlu keluar cari warnet, atau jalan ke potokopian buat cari sumber ilmu pengetahuan.
Dulu, saya masih mengalami kesenjangan pengetahuan antar gender, tidak 100% karena masalah ini, tetapi ada andilnya pasti. Sekarang, masalah keluar malam sudah bukan alasan cewek2 STT buat kalah dibanding cowok2.
Ayo, dek, mumpung masih kuliah, belajar SOA, belajar OOD, OOP dan OO lainnya, belajar project management, J2EE, join open source project, bikin website sendiri, isi blog, bagikan ilmu dan resapi dengan menulis.
Wah ... saya jadi excited, hihihihihi.


Meet BASIS People's Handcraft at My Company

Index above the red underline better be removed right? Reasons:

  • Query that use that index, can use next index with the word 'JUGA'
  • So they don't have to add word 'JUGA' for the next index :P


Execute Query from SAPGUI

Sebagai programmer, saya terbiasa dibiasakan mengetes apakah query saya layak dijalankan di production dengan cara mengexecute query tersebut dari SQL client. Dan ... di SAP saya tidak tahu caranya. Dilarang keras tahu koneksi ke database, apalagi sampai execute query coba-coba di DB production. Oh ... menderita :(

Tapi ternyata ada tcode nya, setidaknya saat saya buka dari SAPGUI, tampilan tcode ini tampak demikian cocok dengan kegiatan memasukkan query dan mengexecutenya. Belum pernah coba sih, kerjaan yang memerlukannya sudah 'terpaksa' selesai dengan tidak maksimal. Dan sekarang ada kerjaan lain.

Hampir lupa, tcodenya: SQVI. Kasih tahu saya hasilnya kalau ada yang sudah coba ya ... ;)

Update: Ini tutorialnya yang cukup simple, tapi belum ketemu apakah bisa memasukkan free style query statement.

Read SAP Table from NetConnector

No need to pay, SAP prepared it for you free.
Ironically, Good Google doesn't show it in the first 5 pages I've been going through.
All I got are bunch of licensed craps.
Sampe harus dateng ke meja Hadi dan bertanya secara verbal.
Shame on you Google.


Jembatan Keledai

Ternyata yang disebut Andrea Hirata di Sang Pemimpi, "jembatan keledai" adalah gaya me-ji-ku-hi-bi-ni-u yang sering saya pakai kalo terpaksa menghafal. Ooooo ...


Creativity and Discipline

Diambil dari sini

When I got out of school, I thought I was the best programmer in the world. I could write an unbeatable tic-tac-toe program, use five different computer languages, and create 1000-line programs that WORKED (really!). Then I got out into the Real World. My first task in the Real World was to read and understand a 200,000-line Fortran program and then speed it up by a factor of two. Any Real Programmer will tell you that all the Structured Coding in the world won't help you solve a problem like that—it takes actual talent.

—Ed Post

It's hard to explain to a fresh computer-science graduate why you need conventions and engineering discipline. When I was an undergraduate, the largest program I wrote was about 500 lines of executable code. As a professional, I've written dozens of utilities that have been smaller than 500 lines, but the average main-project size has been 5,000 to 25,000 lines, and I've participated in projects with over a half million lines of code. This type of effort requires not the same skills on a larger scale, but a new set of skills altogether.

Some creative programmers view the discipline of standards and conventions as stifling to their creativity. The opposite is true. Can you imagine a website on which each page used different fonts, colors, text alignment, graphics styles, and navigation clues? The effect would be chaotic, not creative. Without standards and conventions on large projects, project completion itself is impossible. Creativity isn't even imaginable. Don't waste your creativity on things that don't matter. Establish conventions in noncritical areas so that you can focus your creative energies in the places that count.

In a 15-year retrospective on work at NASA's Software Engineering Laboratory, McGarry and Pajerski reported that methods and tools that emphasize human discipline have been especially effective (1990). Many highly creative people have been extremely disciplined. "Form is liberating," as the saying goes. Great architects work within the constraints of physical materials, time, and cost. Great artists do, too. Anyone who has examined Leonardo's drawings has to admire his disciplined attention to detail. When Michelangelo designed the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, he divided it into symmetric collections of geometric forms, such as triangles, circles, and squares. He designed it in three zones corresponding to three Platonic stages. Without this self-imposed structure and discipline, the 300 human figures would have been merely chaotic rather than the coherent elements of an artistic masterpiece.

A programming masterpiece requires just as much discipline. If you don't try to analyze requirements and design before you begin coding, much of your learning about the project will occur during coding and the result of your labors will look more like a three-year-old's finger painting than a work of art.


Active Listening

Mau cerita, di workshop budaya Jumat kemarin, saya dapat materi active listening. Yang point-point nya adalah mirroring, exploring, acknowledge, dan offering solution. Kata fasilitatornya, di perusahaan saya, yang kurang adalah exploring dan paling banyak orang yang offering solution. Offering solution ini ditandai dengan terus ngomong, ngeluarin segala isi otaknya.

Heran, katanya orang Indonesia paling sedikit pake otak, kok kalo dikeluarin isinya gak abis-abis ... Mungkin pegawai disini adalah para exceptions dari orang Indonesia kebanyakan, yang tidak pernah kehabisan atau tidak ada ide :D


Flash Update

Hmmm, ok, weekly update ... kemarin abis nonton harry potter yg orde of phoenix. Hari sebelumnya, dapet serangan PR kuliah secara bertubi-tubi. Draft presentasi dan makalah etika bisnis, presentasi dan makalah analisa perancangan sistem, 6 langkah metode penelitian ilmiah dan implementasinya, paper database management. )(*&^%$#@!
Hari ini, Pak Lintang menelepon, menanyakan kesediaan saya bergabung di sangkuriang projectnya, which means, I have to add bloody hell stay up until night between my unbelievably schedule of working and getting my homework done. Nice ... :))
Secara gw dengan tidak termaafkan KANGEN sama perusahaan gw yg lama, sepertinya, saya ambil project itu ...
Mudah2an Allah kasih kekuatan dan kesehatan sebesar semangat dalam diri saya


Kalo PC Anda Tidak Bisa Diakses dari Protokol HTTP

Mungkin belum di instal IIS atau Apache atau webserver apapun?
Sudah? Mungkin service nya belum di start?
Sudah? Mungkin portnya belum dibuka?
Port? Iyah, kalo firewall nya ON, port HTTP (80) ternyata mesti didaftarin dulu di exception nya Windows Firewall, saya juga baru tau ...

Contekan Masak-Masak

Kalo baca2 postingan resep para blogger ini, mendadak semangat memasak saya naik.
Postingan Mbak Astri yang resep macaroni schotel terbukti telah berhasil mebuat saya turun ke 'medan perang'. Sekarang ada lagi ini, kayanya sebentar lagi ada dadar coklat pisang keju yang akan diproses di rumah ;))


Migrasi ASP ke ASP.NET

Simply read this.
Spent more than 3 days to migrate such simple ASP page, wish can reach the link above sooner ...
It's a price I should pay for learning by doing.


[Berusaha] Mencintai Produk Dalam Negeri

Setelah selesai tatsqif, dihari minggu cerah, lewat dhuhur sedikit, kaki ingin melangkah menyambangi counter Elizabeth di daerah Blok M yang berbulan lalu secara tidak sengaja terlintas di sudut mata. Diskon sampai 70% katanya.

Bukan karena diskon semata, secara tas Ibu merknya Elizabeth, setia menemani beliau mulai saya orok, adik saya orok, sampai sekarang masih suka dipakai mengaji katanya, hebat bener itu tas.

Maka, saya pun ingin punya satu yang merknya seperti kenangan masa kecil saya itu. Naik metro mini 74 dari Bintaro, ikut mutar melewati terminal Blok M, terus ... lewat Melawai ... dan sampailah saya. Masih ada tulisan diskon loh, hehehhe.

Ternyata koleksi tas mereka tidak jelek, mereka punya tas yang di bawah 100 ribu, kulit, tampak kokoh, modis. Diskonnya hanya untuk selected items, tidak banyak. Dan hati saya terpaut pada 3 buah tas, 2 putih, 1 hitam. Setelah ditimbang masak2, maka saya keluar 45 menit kemudian membawa sebuah tas kulit warna hitam baru dengan merk Elizabeth.

Tas saya ada yang merknya sama dengan punya Ibu sekarang, apa artinya yah ... :))

Lalu, saya mau bahas topik yang lebih general, girls stuff made in our country. Sampai saat ini seingat saya, saya tidak jatuh cinta pada merk impor manapun. Saya ternyata dipuaskan oleh sepatu dan tas merk lokal Bandung, Donatello dan Elizabeth. Walaupun saya baru punya barangnya satu doang :D

Dengan range harga 100 ribu, di B*****o Plaza saya dapat sepatu kerja cewek warna hitam, merk lumayan terkenal, design rata-rata, dengan hak 5 cm yang kalo dipake jalan membuat saya meringis-ringis :D Sepatu Donatello saya, dengan harga yang sama, awet, mulus, I looked totally professional on that heels, dan saya memakainya dengan tersenyum, seperti jalan di atas spring bed, membal dan nyaman. Waktu beli, saya bisa pilih design favorit saya di antara sepatu model cute, chick, formal modern, atau formal konvensional. Donatello adalah merk dalam negeri pertama yang saya puji.

Setelah pengalaman dengan Elizabeth kemarin, maka satu lagi merk lokal yang akan saya puji. Dengan range harga yang sama dengan counter2 Plaza, Elizabeth surely gives you more. More quality and more choice for sure.


This day will be painful

Yes, it will.
I will weep the whole night, but will get up early in the morning, to face exciting future with smile and trust.
Oh, another quote that I found very wise, got it from Windo and Icha:

Don't make promise when You are in joy
Don't reply when You are sad
Don't take decision when You are angry
Think twice, act wise


Log4net Gak Sopan

Don't know whether it is a bug or anything. May be just some 'undocumented feature' @-). Anyway, just follow this suggestion when your log4net didn't result in nice and wonderful file log like you expect. I've spent hours looking for mistakes in my simple app.config. Nothing people, nothing's wrong. Just simply add the configuration to let log4net do its internal debug, and voila ... you have your beautiful log lying anywhere you want.


Tali Henpon Baru

Dikasi Pak Ari, hehehe. Ada logo P besar membentuk panah dan nama perusahaan. Warnanya hitam, cool. Yang penting, gratis, hehehe. Bisa digantungin henpon, name tag, kunci kamar kalo mau, hahahhaha. Oh, ya sud dulu, LPG material report belom di koding dengan sukses.


Buku Subversion Berbahasa Ibu

Ditulis sama senior angkatan 97 pula. Hooo ... beli ahhh. Sementara sebelum mengurus pembelian, taro gambar buku dan link blog penulisnya yang seger berwarna hijau. Salam kenal mas Endy ... Hidup IT Consulting, hidup dapur ngebul ;))


Pay 1 Get 2 BCA Credit Card

Using that promo yesterday to see Shrek 3 with my one and only sister. I read the promo in brochure that came along with my bill. It said *syarat dan ketentuan berlaku. I go through all corners and super small writings in that brochure, hoping to find out what on earth, are the conditions that should be met to use it. Nothing, zero, don't know why they are such annoying not to write the conditions while they state it exists *sigh*.

So, came along saturday and I decided to take a break from campus all day long *girl, you pay it with your own money, for God sake*. Went to PIM I and predictably arrived at PIM II *kite gitu loh, adek dan kakak yang doyan nyasarrr* Rushed to find out where the PIM I cinema is. Got it, stood in line, waiting for one person left to get served. And theeen, "Untuk sementara promo BCA tidak dapat digunakan, mesin rusak." Glodag .. )(**(&*^&% Ga mao rugi lah, get out from the line, "kita makan aja yuuk dek ..."

Something whispers in my ears and says, you are not alone let's go check out PIM II, it may allow BCA promo and hopefully the machine is not broken. Another rush to find PIM II cinema, my poor eyes are in maximum accommodation to catch any BCA signs or writings inside the cinema. Bingo, they have the promo also. Allahu Akbar, their machine is not broken. Jadi deh kite nomat di hari Sabtu. Btw, kenapa nggak dari tadi aja ya ngantri di PIM II? Yah, itulah saya, ada aja hal2 konyol macam itu yang saya perbuat.

So, the terms and condition that they forgot to write in brochure eventually are:
* Valid from Friday - Sunday until September (I forgot the date, first week I guess)
* Maximum 2 tickets, you will get 4 tickets then.

But the lady that serves you may allow you to buy as much tickets as you wish as long as you want to stood in line for the next 2 or more tickets. ngantri lagi gitu ...

How's Shrek 3 according to me? Funny, that's all. Tidak ada pesan moral yang baru untuk saya, tidak ada acara terharu, atau tertawa berlebihan. Just another average movie.

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