
Pay 1 Get 2 BCA Credit Card

Using that promo yesterday to see Shrek 3 with my one and only sister. I read the promo in brochure that came along with my bill. It said *syarat dan ketentuan berlaku. I go through all corners and super small writings in that brochure, hoping to find out what on earth, are the conditions that should be met to use it. Nothing, zero, don't know why they are such annoying not to write the conditions while they state it exists *sigh*.

So, came along saturday and I decided to take a break from campus all day long *girl, you pay it with your own money, for God sake*. Went to PIM I and predictably arrived at PIM II *kite gitu loh, adek dan kakak yang doyan nyasarrr* Rushed to find out where the PIM I cinema is. Got it, stood in line, waiting for one person left to get served. And theeen, "Untuk sementara promo BCA tidak dapat digunakan, mesin rusak." Glodag .. )(**(&*^&% Ga mao rugi lah, get out from the line, "kita makan aja yuuk dek ..."

Something whispers in my ears and says, you are not alone let's go check out PIM II, it may allow BCA promo and hopefully the machine is not broken. Another rush to find PIM II cinema, my poor eyes are in maximum accommodation to catch any BCA signs or writings inside the cinema. Bingo, they have the promo also. Allahu Akbar, their machine is not broken. Jadi deh kite nomat di hari Sabtu. Btw, kenapa nggak dari tadi aja ya ngantri di PIM II? Yah, itulah saya, ada aja hal2 konyol macam itu yang saya perbuat.

So, the terms and condition that they forgot to write in brochure eventually are:
* Valid from Friday - Sunday until September (I forgot the date, first week I guess)
* Maximum 2 tickets, you will get 4 tickets then.

But the lady that serves you may allow you to buy as much tickets as you wish as long as you want to stood in line for the next 2 or more tickets. ngantri lagi gitu ...

How's Shrek 3 according to me? Funny, that's all. Tidak ada pesan moral yang baru untuk saya, tidak ada acara terharu, atau tertawa berlebihan. Just another average movie.


Anonymous said...

It is a pity, that now I can not express - I hurry up on job. But I will return - I will necessarily write that I think on this question.

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